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Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. September 2010

A multidisciplinary approach for the management of the water resources hosted in the multi-layer coastal aquifers of Central-Southern Tuscany

Volume 11/2010

Marco Doveri (*), Andrea Cerrina Feroni (*), Simone Da Prato (*), Alessandro Ellero (*), Matteo Lelli (*), Luigi Marini (*), Giulio Masetti (*), Barbara Nisi (*) & Brunella Raco (*)

Pages: 167-168
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. September 2010

Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines system – 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines

Volume 11/2010

Carlo Bertok (*), Anna D'Atri (*), Luca Martire (*), Pietro Mosca (**), Fabrizio Piana (**), Andrea Cerrina Feroni (***), Alessandro Ellero (***), Rita Catanzariti (***), Alessia Musso (*), Elena Perotti (*) & Dario Varrone (**)

Pages: 307-308
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. September 2010

Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines system – 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines

Volume 11/2010

Andrea Cerrina Feroni (*), Alessandro Ellero (*), Rita Catanzariti (*), Anna D'Atri (**), Andrea Irace (***), Pietro Mosca (***), Fabrizio Piana (***) & Dario Varrone (***)

Pages: 320-321
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. October 2013

The Intrapontide Suture zone in Turkey: the eastern extension of the Dinaric-Hellenic belt?

Volume 29/2013

Michele Marroni (a,b), Chiara Frassi (b), Cemal M. Göncüoğlu (c), Gianfranco Di Vincenzo (b), Luca Pandolfi (a,b), Gisella Rebay (d), Alessandro Ellero (b) & Giuseppe Ottria (b)

Pages: 93-96