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Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. September 2010

The activities of CNR IGG in CARG project: maps, databases and IT to improve geological data quality

Volume 11/2010

Gianfranco Fioraso (*), Andrea Irace (*), Pietro Mosca (*), Fabrizio Piana (*), Sergio Tallone (*), Laura Bellino (*), Stefania Trenkwalder (*) & Dario Varrone (*)

Pages: 269
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. September 2010

Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines system – 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines

Volume 11/2010

Carlo Bertok (*), Anna D'Atri (*), Luca Martire (*), Pietro Mosca (**), Fabrizio Piana (**), Andrea Cerrina Feroni (***), Alessandro Ellero (***), Rita Catanzariti (***), Alessia Musso (*), Elena Perotti (*) & Dario Varrone (**)

Pages: 307-308
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. September 2010

Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines system – 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines

Volume 11/2010

Andrea Cerrina Feroni (*), Alessandro Ellero (*), Rita Catanzariti (*), Anna D'Atri (**), Andrea Irace (***), Pietro Mosca (***), Fabrizio Piana (***) & Dario Varrone (***)

Pages: 320-321
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. June 2012

The Data Base of the 1:250.000 Scale Geological Map of Piemonte (Italy)

Volume 19/2012

Fabrizio Piana (1), Gianfranco Fioraso (1), Andrea Irace (1), Pietro Mosca (1), Paolo Falletti (2), Anna D'Atri (3) Sergio Tallone (1) & Dario Varrone (4)

Pages: 10-11