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Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. November 2019

New methodologies and technologies in Earth Sciences education: opportunities and criticisms for future teachers

Volume 49/2019

Manuela Pelfini (1), Paola Parravicini (2), Patrizia Fumagalli (1), Alessandro Graffi (2), Giovanni Grieco (1), Marco Merlini (2), Marina Porta (1,3), Luca Trombino (1) & Michele Zucali (1)

Pages: 4-10
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. July 2018

From nature to human needs: availability and use of geo-materials in Earth Sciences; an educational approach through the Big History project

Volume 45/2018

Marina Porta (1,2), Giovanni Grieco (1), Adalberto Codetta Raiteri (3), Giacomo Diego Gatta (1) & Marco Merlini (1)

Pages: 49-53
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. May 2015

Past excess CO2 worlds: biota responses to extreme warmth and ocean acidification High temperature and high pressure behavior of carbonates in the ternary diagram CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3

Volume 35/2015

Marco Merlini1,*, Francesca Sapelli1, Patrizia Fumagalli1, Diego Gatta1, Paolo Lotti1, Simone Tumiati1, Mahmoud Abdellatief 2, Andrea Lausi2, Jasper Plaisier2, Michael Hanfland3, Wilson Crichton3, Julien Chantel3,†, Jeremy Guignard3,‡, Alessandro Pavese1 & Stefano Poli1

Pages: 22