Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 19/2012

L'aggiornamento nell'ambito del progetto europeo RiskNat dell'inventario di Arpa Piemonte riguardante i fenomeni franosi del territorio regionale: conclusione dei lavori

Luca Lanteri (*) & Sara Di Priolo (*)
(*) Dipartimento Tematico Geologia e Dissesto, Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente (ARPA) Piemonte, Via Pio VII 9, 10135 Torino. E-mail:;

Volume: 19/2012
Pages: 27-31


The updating in the RiskNat European project of Arpa Piemonte landslide inventory in Piedmont area: project conclusion. One of the main goal of the Alcotra RiskNat European Project working packages B2/C2, about hydrogeological risks and gravitational phenomena, carried out by Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Piedmont region (Arpa Piemonte), is focused to improve the knowledge of Piedmont region landslides and develop appropriate actions to their disclosure. The project activity, edited by a group of technical officers and grant holders of Arpa Piemonte Thematic Department "Geologia e Dissesto", has been aimed mainly to the description and characterization of landslides. This resulted in a significant updating of the Information System of Landslide phenomena in Piedmont (SIFraP) through the production of about 300 reports of 2th level and 12 monographs of 3th level. Most of these reports is already published on Arpa Piemonte WebGIS. The updating was made mainly through some aimed field surveys integrated with information of the geological database, managed and continuously implemented by Arpa Piemonte, where the data (borehole log, monitoring, bibliography, satellite data, etc.) were inserted into a single geodatabase PostgreSQL/PostGIS. This allows to create a practical, efficient and extremely dynamic working environment that greatly simplifies the collection and processing of information useful to the understanding of phenomena.


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