Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 30/2014

Guidelines for designing, management and maintenance of the geologic monitoring systems (Linee Guida per la progettazione, gestione e manutenzione dei sistemi di monitoraggio geologico)

Luca Dei Cas (a)
(a) ARPA Lombardia , U.O. Centro i Monitoraggio Geologico, Via del Gesù 17, 23100 Sondrio . E-mail:

Volume: 30/2014
Pages: 16-18


Arpa Lombardia has recently drafted specific guidelines designed to standardize the procedures for designing, management and maintenance of the monitoring systems operating in Lombardy region (Italy). The project aims at increasing the efficiency of data interchangeability between the different administrative entities that manage the networks as well as improving the structure of the database able to store and manage all the geological data coming from the monitoring systems operating in Lombardy region. This note briefly describes the structure of these guidelines and the main topics, highlighting the persistence of some problems related to the transparency of the configuration files and the complexity of the authorization procedures.


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