Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 33/2015

I Geositi Urbani di Roma Capitale. Fra geologia, paesaggio e memoria

Marina Fabbri (*) & Maurizio Lanzini (**)
(*) Libero professionista. Email: (**) Libero professionista, SIGEA, Sezione Lazio. Email:

Volume: 33/2015
Pages: 40-43


About four years ago, the Lazio chapter of the Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) launched a survey of Urban Geosites within the municipality of Rome, employing specially-designed data sheets to be compiled primarily by the Society's members. The goal of the survey was to define a certain number of sites, areas or elements affected by urban development, where it was possible to establish geological value worthy of conservation. The project was devised in order to highlight the fact that geological studies in urban areas are adversely affected by a number of circumstances, first and foremost the scarcity of geological outcrops destroyed, excavated or otherwise hidden beneath the "continuum" of asphalt and cement. It was thus decided to create a record of the outcrops intentionally left within urban areas, as well as those presumably destined to disappear and those that have already disappeared but for which we possess historical/photographic documentation.


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