Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 28/2013

Historical stone and marble in the Apuan Alps Geopark (Italy): a local strategy on the sustainable use of a non-renewable resource

Antonio Bartelletti (*) & Alessia Amorfini (**)
(*) Apuan Alps Geopark, Direction, via Simon Musico, 8, 54100, Massa, Italy: (**) Apuan Alps Geopark, "Research and conservation" Service, via Simon Musico, 8, 54100, Massa, Italy.

Volume: 28/2013
Pages: 15-18


A new definition of “historical stone and marble” is presented in this paper. The meaning is appropriately adjusted on the basis of geological studies, historical research and planning experience in the Apuan Alps. According to this definition, a stone material can be defined “historical” when it satisfies three conditions: ancient exploitation (exploitation and processing for centuries), well-known material (value of knowledge over time) and limited resource (limited expectations in terms of production and slow development of quarrying activity). The future enhancement of “historical stone and marble” follows the path of “limited” and “precious” factors. These materials must be subjected to a contingency exploitation plan and are to be used in high profile and high value works. They have an intrinsic potential to reconstruct a real production chain, thereby renewing traditional works which have now become rarities. The difficult path of promotion is the only way forward, emphasizing the historical and cultural identity.


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