Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 4/2008

De' Corpi Marini che nel Feltrese Distretto si trovano (Jacopo Odoardi)

Lucio D'Alberto (*) (acuradi)
(*) Gruppo Speleologico CAI, Feltre (BL). E-mail:

Volume: 4/2008
Pages: 93-115


The original text of a "letter" about the fossils found in the area around Feltre is here proposed. This letter was written by Jacopo Odoardi in 1761. The Author, inspired by Vallisneri's work, described his findings and the geological settings of the area comparing them with the Deluge theory and other theories. His final conclusion is that fossilized remains are the results of ciclic marine transgressions originated by astronomic movements. Specifically he associated the landward movement of the sea to the change of the Earth-axis angle with the eclittic plane and the change of the gravity center, following the recent discoveries of Jacques Chevalier de Louville amd Voltaire's theory. This letter has been cited by Brocchi (1814) and Lyell (1830).


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