Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 28/2013

“Babina” path as an example of sustainable development in the Muskau Arch Geopark

Jacek Ko?ma (*), Damian Sandak (**) & Jan Bieniasz (†) (***)
(*) Geopark Muskau Arch, Polish Geological Institute, National Research Institute, Lower Silesian Branch, 19, Jaworowa Al., 53-122 Wroc?aw, Poland. E.mail: (**) State Forests National Forest Holding, Forest Inspectorate Lipinki, 21 Budowlanych Street, 68-200 ?ary, Poland. E-mail: (***) Mayor, Urban Commune ??knica.

Volume: 28/2013
Pages: 93-96


The Muskau Arch Geopark is located in the southern part of Lubuskie voivodeship in Poland and border zone of Saxony and Brandenburg in Germany. There are forms of glaciotectonical structure well visible in terrain morphology. The forms include disturbed Neogene deposits with brown coal seams. Among the abundant fold and slice structures the numerous brown coal and accompanying glass sands and ceramic clays deposits has been investigated. Underground and opencast mining of brown coal was conducted from the middle of XIX century up to the second part of XX century. Nowadays, many post-mining evidences like anthropogenic reservoir and artificial landforms are exposed in the Muskau Arch area. The natural processes of post-mining areas transformation both the post-industrial cultural heritage and geological phenomenon are protected values as the Geopark. The aims are preservation of geological heritage as well as scientific and teaching purposes. Therefore after a long planning process and cooperation between commune and Forest Inspectorate, 5,5 km of geotouristic paths with three entrance gates and parking places were erected in the wilderness of former mining areas as well as benches and a refuge for visitors were arranged. Billboards inform the tourists about geology and geomorphology, mining, rest likes as well as fauna and flora. Printed matters (booklet, touristic map, calendar) complete the project at this stage. Further building works, for instance a visitor tower, and other objects are under realization up the end of 2013.


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