Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 28/2013

Geosites, cultural tourism and sustainability in the Gargano National Park (southern Italy): the case study of the La Salata (Vieste) geoarchaeological site

M. Lazzari (*)
(*) C.N.R. IBAM, C/da S. Loja, Zona Industriale, 85050 Tito Scalo (PZ) Italy. E-mail:

Volume: 28/2013
Pages: 97-101


This paper presents a case study of the La Salata geoarchaeological site (National Park of Gargano, southern Italy), where the cultural value of the necropolis is in addition to that geological, linked to the presence of one of the most beautiful Mediterranean exhibitions of Eocene bioclastic limestone facies at Nummulites and the presence of karst landforms. The site is an excellent example of integration of environmental and cultural values that favor an increase of cultural tourism for the benefit of communities and local businesses. However, the site should be subject to protection through initiatives to consolidate the fronts of slopes subject to rockfalls and often affected by the cavity collapses. In this sense, the most attention has been offered by the private rather than public sectors, including in these last the national, regional and local Authorities.


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