Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 28/2013

Integration of the geoheritage management in environmental and land-use policies

Eva Almeida Lima (a), Ana Filipa Lima (b), José Brilha (c), Helena Calado (d) & João Carlos Nunes (e)
(a) Geosciences Department, Azores University/ Azores Geopark, Portugal. E-mail: (b) Speleological Association Montanheiros / Azores Geopark, Portugal. E-mail: (c) Earth Sciences Department, Minho University, Braga, Portugal. E-mail: (d) Geography section, Biology Department, Azores University, Portugal. E-mail: (e) Geosciences Department, Azores University / Azores Geopark, Portugal. E-mail:

Volume: 28/2013
Pages: 102-105


The conservation and management of the geological heritage requires the support of appropriate policies, which should be the result of the integration of nature conservation, environmental and land-use planning, and environmental education perspectives. It is necessary to establish protocols and mechanisms for the conservation and management of geological heritage. This is a complex type of management because it needs to address not only the fragile natural features to preserve but also legal, economic, cultural, educational and recreational aspects. In addition, a management methodology should ensure the geosites conservation, the local development and the dissemination of the geological heritage.


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