Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 36/2015

Il passato è la chiave del presente e del futuro: il progetto GEOITALIANI della Società Geologica Italiana

Alessio Argentieri (1), Fabiana Console (2), Simone Fabbi (3), Marco Pantaloni (5), Fabio Massimo Petti (4), Marco Romano (3,6), Giovanni Rotella (1) & Alessandro Zuccari (4)
(1) Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale- Servizio Difesa del Suolo.; (2) ISPRA - Biblioteca. (3) Sapienza- Università di Roma- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra. (4) Società Geologica Italiana. (5) ISPRA - Servizio Geologico d'Italia. (6) Sam Noble Museum, 2401 Chautauqua Ave., Norman, OK 73072, USA.

Volume: 36/2015
Pages: 18-23


"At war with the eagles" represents the first national event organized by the History of Geosciences Section, established in 2012 by the Italian Geological Society in order to recover and endorse the national geological culture. A century after the Italian intervention in the First World War, the meeting focuses on the role of geologists and cartographers on the alpine fronts, before, during and after hostilities. This short note briefly describes the history and purposes of the Geoitaliani project that aims to revitalize the importance of geology in the past as a basis for the future development of our Nation and the human journey on Planet Earth.


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