Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 36/2015

La cartografia geologica dell'area dolomitica degli anni precedenti la Prima Guerra Mondiale nell'archivio storico del Servizio geologico d'Italia - ISPRA

Marco Pantaloni (a) & Fabiana Console (b)
(a) ISPRA – Servizio geologico d'Italia. Via V. Brancati, 48 – 00144 Roma. e-mail: (b) ISPRA - Biblioteca. Via V. Brancati, 48 – 00144 Roma.

Volume: 36/2015
Pages: 99-104


The historic geological maps heritage of the Geological Survey of Italy is maintained into the ISPRA library. Actually the library oversee and organize a large and valuable biblio-cartographic assets on Earth Sciences theme, constituted by more than 50,000 geothematics maps, 21,000 of which are exclusively geologic. A deep analysis of this asset showed the presence of numerous geologic and geothematic maps in the dolomitic area falling within the Italian-Austrian war front of the first conflict. These maps, sometimes deeply wear out, have been probably studied and revised for military purposes, in order to improve the defensive and offensive tactics through the knowledge of the geological and geomorphological characters of the territories.


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