Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 26/2013

Il “cuneo salino” nelle foci fluviali: sintesi delle problematiche

Massimo V. Civita (*)
(*) Politecnico di Torino; E-mail:

Volume: 26/2013
Pages: 1-20


The “salt wedge” in river estuaries: overview of the issues. The salt wedge flowing landward and seaward in river final parts causes great impacts in estuarine areas both in surface water and groundwater, which are periodically contaminated by salt intrusion. A description of the main type of estuaries and their hydrodynamic classification is given, and salt wedge genesis and development are outlined. Salt wedge dynamics and impacts are discussed, and several examples are presented. The consequences of saltwater contamination affecting groundwater and surface waters used for irrigation in the estuary zones of the river Po and other water courses discharging into the North Adriatic Sea are put in evidence. Finally, structural and no-structural measures to counteract the salt wedge are discussed, and the methods adopted in several cases to minimize its impact are described.


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