Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 38/2016

Mineralogical and textural characterization of the Alimini beach sands: implication on their provenance and transport processes

Rocco Dominici (a), Paola Donato (a), Paola Basta (a), Giuseppe Romano (a), Marco Delle Rose (b), Mariano Tenuta (a), Carmine Vacca (a), Miriam Verrino (a) & Rosanna De Rosa (a)
(a) DiBEST- University of Calabria, Ponte p. Bucci, cubo 15b, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy. Corresponding author e-mail: (b) ISAC-CNR- Lecce (Italy).

Volume: 38/2016
Pages: 39-42


This work shows the granulometric, mineralogical and micromorphoscopic data of the Alimini (Lecce, Apulia) beach, an important touristic site with a strong erosive rate. Our study demonstrates that the sediments forming the sands are rarely related to the carbonatic rocks outcropping in the area. Rather, they are mainly represented by heavy minerals and quartz of volcanic and metamorphic origin. The presence of peculiar mineral phases as the melanitic garnet points to a provenance from the Vulture volcano. However, the occurrence of quartz, microcline and piralspitic garnets points to a simultaneous feeding from the southern Appenninic units. Sediments are probably eroded and transported by the Ofanto river. The high roundness of the grains witnesses the long transport along the coast and, probably, also the continuous recycle from the dune to the beach and vice versa.


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