Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 40/2016

The importance of active education in the teaching - learning of Earth Sciences: models, tools, experiences

Susanna Occhipinti (a,b)
(a) SIT Innocenti Manzetti Aosta – Chatillon; Didattica delle scienze sperimentali, educazione ambientale Assessorato Istruzione e Cultura Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta. Corresponding e-mail: (b) UNICAMearth group, School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino.

Volume: 40/2016
Pages: 47-55


The aim of this work was to find models and guidelines to produce tools and paths to support the process of active teaching-learning of geosciences in school, and to make it more effective. Sets of activities produced during this project have been experimented in a significant sample of classes of different levels of education in the Valle d'Aosta region, Italy. The laboratory activities produced arose from a careful research of pedagogical activities and education approaches. All the didactic activities have been collected in a freely downloadable booklet, to make all the materials available to the teachers. The more general aim of this project was to build a network of schools, teachers and institutions to promote the dissemination of the culture of Earth Sciences.


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