Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 49/2019

The virtuous integration of Geoscience research and educational projects: examples from the Piemonte region

Francesca Lozar (1), Marco Giardino (1,2,3), Alessandra Magagna (1,2,3), Mauro Palomba (1,2), Luigi Perotti (1,2) & Ilaria Selvaggio (3)
(1) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Torino, Via Valperga Caluso, 35, 10125, Torino, Italy. (2) GeoDidaLab, Via Lago San Michele, 13, 10015, Ivrea (TO), Italy. (3) Sesia Val Grande Unesco Global Geopark, Varallo Sesia (VC), Italy Corresponding author e-mail:

Volume: 49/2019
Pages: 69-77


During the MIUR Plan for enhancing scientific degrees (PLS 2015-17), the Italian geological community has been involved in a great effort to bring science and research to the young generations and to help them achieving in-depth knowledge and long lasting success in the STEM sciences. We offered two field laboratories to Upper secondary education students and teachers, developed from the geotours of the PROGEO- Piemonte, promoting the conservation and dissemination of geological heritage through research and outreach activities. They explore the geology of southern and northern Piemonte integrating research, dissemination and geoscience education, and were designed and led by researchers and wildlife guides in the Langhe- Roero-Monferrato World heritage Site, and the Sesia Val Grande Global Geopark. To attract the interest of students and teachers we combined an inquiry-based approach, educational activities of cooperative learning, and the use of multimedia tools. To monitor whether the goals of the PLS were fulfilled, satisfaction questionnaires were administered to both pupils and their teachers. The outcome showed that involving the pupils in field research activities allowed to improve their disciplinary knowledge, their soft skills, and contributed to increase their awareness that the Geosciences are not only interesting, but that they permeate our daily life.


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