Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 49/2019

Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity: natural risks and culture of prevention in the metropolitan area of Rome

Alessio Argentieri (1), Giovanni De Caterini (2), Marina Fabbri (3), Tiziana Guida (3), Azzurra Lentini (4), Bruna Perniola (1), Maurizio Sirna (5) & Francesco Zacco (1)
(1) Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale - Dipartimento VI "Pianificazione territoriale generale" Servizio 3 "Geologico e difesa del suolo, protezione civile in ambito metropolitano" - Viale Giorgio Ribotta 41-43, 00152 Rome (Italy). (2) Freelance Geologist, Rome (Italy). (3) Ordine dei Geologi del Lazio, Rome (Italy). (4) Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal (Canada). (5) Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali, Biologiche e Farmaceutiche, Caserta (Italy). Corresponding author e-mail:

Volume: 49/2019
Pages: 85-93


Information on natural risks is fundamental for the dissemination of the civil protection culture in modern society. Children can play a key role in such process, being communicators of correct and simple notions. Young people awareness about geological hazards of the areas where they live can, in fact, make them feel responsible for preventing misinformation, and willing to transmit to their relatives and friends what they learned. This paper briefly presents goals and results of educational programs designed for students of primary and secondary schools and for civil protection operators of the Rome metropolitan area. The cooperation between local administrations, universities, professional associations and schoolteachers produced promising results and showed new perspectives.


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