Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 22/2012

Studio mediante modellazione analogica della fratturazione associata ad una fault-propagation fold: risultati preliminari

Carla Galuppo (*), Giovanni Toscani (*), Lorenzo Bonini (*), Claudio Turrini (°) & Silvio Seno (*)
(*) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy. (°) Claudio Turrini Geological Consulting, Paris, France,

Volume: 22/2012
Pages: 99-101


Analogue modeling of fracture pattern variation around faultpropagation fold: preliminary results. This paper describes the preliminary results of an analogue modeling experimental program concerning the surface fracturation generated by compressive structures. In hydrocarbon exploration, the knowledge of the orientation and spatial distribution of fractures is an important tool as it can help to understand migration and accumulation of oil and gas. Preliminary data show a fracture increment during the first deformation steps. Going on with the deformation no significant amount of fractures is visible, as fractures tend to join each other creating more elongated and persistent structures, so reducing the number of fractures. Moreover, an E-W oriented main fracture pattern is evident, with the same anticline axis orientation, related to the folds development.


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