Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 21/2012

Interventi di mitigazione del rischio da colata rapida, nell'area di Favazzina (RC, Italy)

Saverio Infantino (*), Adriana La Torre (**), Giuseppe Mandaglio (***) & Anna Maria Pellegrino (****)
(*) Geotecnical S.r.l., Reggio Calabria, Italy. (**) Reggio Calabria District, Sector 13 APQ Difesa del suolo e salvaguardia delle coste, Reggio Calabria, Italy. (***) Department PAU, Reggio Calabria Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, Italy. (****) Regional River Basin Authority Calabria Region, Catanzaro, Italy.

Volume: 21/2012
Pages: 410-412


During the last ten years the coastal area between Bagnara Calabra and Scilla villages (RC) has been affected by numerous shallow landslides (rock fall and mud or debris flow events), that involved some structures and infrastructures such as the Favazzina village, the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway and the coastal national road SS18. The mud or debris flow events were produced by translational landslides involving the superficial and weathered part of the metamorphic substratum; they occurred upslope to the channels, concomitant with very intense rainfalls. The landslide masses were channelled and fluitized by stream waters (Abr, 2001, 2005, 2006; Bonavina et alii, 2006). In this paper the results of a wide research performed for the design of works on the "mitigation of landslide risk in the slope upstream of the Favazzina village" characterized by rapid flows, are shown. The study is based on a holistic approach considering the different levels of hazard recorded along the cliff between Scilla and Bagnara Calabra due to the specific morphogenetic processes, the high susceptibility to shallow landslides (Abr, 2006; Gariano et alii, 2011), and the high index of landsliding (Chiodo et alii, 2008). Moreover the study aims to draw guidelines for the definition of the structural and not structural risk mitigation works, that can be extended at the adjacent portions of territory characterized by similar morphdynamical structures.


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