Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 31/2014

An unexpected record of the PETM in terrestrial and organic sediments of Avesnois, between the Paris and Belgian Basins, NW Europe

Florence Quesnel (a,b), Jean-Yves Storme (c), Emile Roche (c), Alina Iakovleva (d), Pieter Missiaen (e), Thierry Smith (f),Chantal Bourdillon (g), Jean-Marc Baele (h), Johan Yans (i), Johann Schnyder (j), Paola Iacumin (k), Christine Fléhoc (l) & Christian Dupuis (h)
(a) BRGM (French Geological Survey), Georesources Division, Land Use Geology Unit, 3 Avenue Cl. Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2, France. E-mail: (b) UMR 7327 of the CNRS/INSU, Orléans University & BRGM, 1A rue de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans, France. (c) Geology Department, Palaeobiogeology-Palaeobotany-Palaeopalynology, Liège University, Allée du 6 Août 17, 4000 Liège Sart-Tilman, Belgium. (d) Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky pereulok 7, 119017 Moscow, Russia. (e) Research Unit Palaeontology, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. (f) O.D. Earth & History of Life, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. (g) ERADATA, 170 Avenue Félix Gesnelay, 72100 Le Mans, France. (h) Geology and Applied Geology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, 20 Place du Parc, 7000 Mons, Belgium. (i) University of Namur, Department of Geology, Rue de Bruxelles, 61, 5000 Namur, Belgium (j) ISTeP, Pierre & Marie Curie University-Paris 6, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. (k) Earth Sciences Department, Parma University, Viale G.P. Usberti 157/A, 43100 Parma, Italy. (l) BRGM (French Geological Survey), Laboratory Division, Isotopes Unit, 3 Avenue Cl. Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2, France.

Volume: 31/2014
Pages: 183-184