The "Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana" are published in quarterly volumes. The size of each volume is 21 × 29,7 cm (A4) and the printed portion is 18,5 × 24,4 cm, in two columns of 9 × 24,4 cm.
All Authors may submit to the journal original scientific contributions in English, concerning all aspects of geosciences. The instructions described below should be strictly followed by the authors. The non-compliance with these instructions may delay or prevent publication. Text and figures accepted for publication are copyright of the journal.
Manuscripts submission is only on-line using the link to ScholarOne
The Rendiconti Online host two types of contributions: "short notes" and "articles".
Short notes - These are short reports (6 to 8 pages, including four figures or tables and no more than 30 references). Short notes must follow the usual structure of a scientific contribution (introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion, conclusions), and will follow a peer-reviewing process (2 reviewers).
Articles - These are original research peer-reviewed papers (2 reviewers). They should not exceed 15 printed pages, including references, figure/tables and captions. There are no limits for the number of figures/tables and references, even if it should be in due proportion with the length of the text.
The organisers of workshops, conferences, scientific meetings and sessions of meetings, etc., should submit a proposal of a special/thematic issue to the Editor in Chief (EiC) of ROL; special/thematic issues consist of short notes only. The proposal should include i) names of possible Guest Editors (GE), ii) aim of the special/thematic issue, iii) list of contributors, iv) list of contributions, including the list of authors and title for each contribution.
The EiC and the board of Associate Editors (AE) will take under consideration the submitted proposal and will reply to the proponents within 30 days, informing them about the acceptance/denial of the special/thematic issue and providing the name of the Associate Editor (AE), who will take the scientific responsibility of the contributions published in the special/thematic issue.
Once the special/thematic issue is accepted, the GE make the call for papers to the invited authors setting a deadline for the contribution submission, then decide the name of the peer reviewers and commit possible revisions to be made. Final responsibility to accept/deny publication of each manuscript will be taken by the AE.
As a general rule for special/thematic issues, a single author may have up to a maximum of two papers.
Manuscripts must be submitted in digital format, as per the following instructions.
The text must be in English language to enable and promote a wider dissemination of the contributions.
The manuscript, including references and figure captions, must be double spaced and prepared using a 'standard' font, preferably 12-point Times New Roman; line numbers must be added. For mathematical symbols, Greek letters and other special characters, use normal text or Symbol font. Word Equation Editor/MathType should be used only for formulae which cannot be produced using normal text or Symbol font.
An uninterrupted page of text contains about 6,500 characters. When considering final length of short notes or articles, authors have to consider that a full-page figure/table is equivalent to about 6,500 characters, a half-page figure/table to about 3300 characters and so on.
When submitting new or revised manuscripts, authors should state in a cover letter to the editor their rough estimate of the length of their paper in terms of number of pages of ROL. Authors of contributions that significantly exceed the limits stated here or specified by the editor will have to shorten their papers before acceptance, inevitably delaying publication.
Submit the text in the following order: Title, authors' names and addresses, telephone, fax and e-mail of the corresponding author. Below abstract/riassunto (max 1000 characters for short notes), key words/parole chiave, text, acknowledgements, references. Figures, captions and tables should be provided separately but with their position within the text indicated appropriately, using the format provided below.
Authors must observe a correct usage of stratigraphic terminology, avoiding the citation of incorrect or abandoned stratigraphic names. Web sites and publications such as the International Chronostratigraphic Chart, the International Stratigraphic Guide, the Italian Stratigraphic Guide, and the Catalogue of the Italian geological formations, are recommended as initial sources of stratigraphic information.
References should be inserted in parentheses in the text in full for single- and dual-authored papers (e.g. Lyell & Bertrand, 1987), but using first author and "et al." for multiple-authored papers (e.g. Lyell et al., 1988). Authors should be written with uppercase initials. The order in the text should be chronological, then alphabetical. List all references cited in alphabetical order at the end of the article in the following standard form:
Reference to a journal article:
Morley C. & Chantraprasert S. (2022) - Plume-related, syn-rift, Neogene volcanism, the interplay with structure in Thailand and comparison with the East
African Rift. Ital. J. Geosci., 141(3), 295-333,
Reference to a journal article with an article number:
Boutoux A., Briaud A., Faccenna C., Ballato P., Rossetti F. & Blanc E. (2021) - Slab folding and surface deformation of the Iran mobile belt. Tectonics, 40(6), e2020TC006300,
Reference to a book:
Masotta M., Beier C., Mollo S. (2021) - Crustal Magmatic System Evolution: Anatomy, Architecture, and Physico-Chemical Processes. American Geophysical Union (AGU), 239 pp.,
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
Brenna M., Ubide T., Nichols A.R., Mollo S. & Pontesilli A. (2021) - Anatomy of Intraplate Monogenetic Alkaline Basaltic Magmatism: Clues From Magma, Crystals, and Glass. In: Masotta M., Beier C., Mollo S. (Eds), Crustal Magmatic System Evolution: Anatomy, Architecture, and Physico-Chemical Processes, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 79-103,
Reference to a sheet of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000 (Geological Survey of Italy and CARG Project)
Servizio Geologico d'Italia (2011) - Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.0000, F. 99 Iseo. ISPRA, Roma.
Reference to explanatory notes of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000 (Geological Survey of Italy and CARG Project)
Pantaloni M., Pichezzi R.M., D'Ambrogi C., Pampaloni M.L. & Rossi M. (2016) - Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000, F. 280 Fossombrone. 96 pp., S.EL.CA. Firenze.
Please use the standard abbreviation of a journal's name according to the ISSN List of Title Word Abbreviations: If you are unsure, please use the full journal title.
Capital letters, centered, bold.
The first sentence after the heading begins after a blank line.
Second order headings
Capital letters, left margin.
The first sentence after the heading begins after a blank line.
Third order headings
Italic, left margin. The first sentence after the heading begins after a blank line.
Since 1 January 2018, the Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana has been offering the possibility to publish accepted articles in open access mode herein called "Gold Open Access".
This publication mode allows free and unrestricted access to the scientific articles for which this option will be chosen.
Authors who request the "Gold Open Access" option at the time of submission and/or acceptance of the manuscript will be asked to pay the charges required, for the activation of this mode, by the web portals used by the SGI for the national and international dissemination of its publishing products.
The fee of the Gold Open Access is € 500.00. A reduced fee (€ 300.00) would be applied if the corresponding author is an active member of the SGI or has an affiliation with an institution belonging to developing countries (Ministerial Decree no. 1455 of 09/06/2017).
Alternatively, the option of Green Open Access will be offered, which allows authors to self-archive the articles produced by their research, in institutional or disciplinary archives, or even in their personal sites, in the post-print format (the version approved for publication, containing the changes requested by both the reviewers and editorial board) not before a 24-month embargo period has elapsed, calculated from the last day of the month of publication of the paper version of the journal issue in which the article has appeared.It is a general principle of scholarly communication that the Editors of a learned journal are solely and independently responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal shall be published.