Special Issue - XVII Convegno Nazionale della Sezione GIT - Pietrasanta 2023

Alessandro Casasso, Matia Menichini, Simone Sterlacchini, Marco Zazzeri

Reconstructing the physical landscape of the Rieti urban area towards historical sources and cartography

Sergio Madonna1 & Federico Vessella1

Volume: 65/2025
Pages: 9-14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2025.02

The importance of seismic microzonation studies on land governance: results from a fact-finding survey

Paola Imprescia1, Monia Coltella1 & Sergio Castenetto1,2

Volume: 64/2024
Pages: 2-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2024.40

Communicating air quality data: a co-creation approach

Anna Pellizzone1, Federica Manzoli1, Cecilia Gaballo1 & Angela Simone1

Volume: 64/2024
Pages: 8-13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2024.41
open access

The response of a mountain drainage basin to extreme events: the impact of Vaia storm on Rio Cordon (Dolomites, Italy)

Giacomo Pellegrini1, Luca Mao2,3 & Lorenzo Picco1

Volume: 64/2024
Pages: 14-19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2024.42

The role of numerical modelling in the design of open-loop shallow geothermal systems

Alessandro Casasso1

Volume: 64/2024
Pages: 20-25
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2024.44

Survey techniques integrating smartphone lidar and UAV photogrammetry: the example of the anthropic underground cavities of Montefiascone (Viterbo, Central Italy)

Sergio Madonna1, Francesco Gentili1, Michele Mattioli2, Andrea Scatolini3, Virgilio Pendola3, Gianluigi Guerriero Monaldi3 & Gabriele Monaldi3

Volume: 64/2024
Pages: 26-34
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2024.46

A board game meets an App… this is GeoRisk!

Giovanna Lucia Piangiamore1, Sabina Maraffi2 & Francesco Maria Sacerdoti3

Volume: 64/2024
Pages: 35-41
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2024.47
open access