Special Issue - XIV Congresso GeoSed - Bari 2022

Luigi Spalluto

Neogene cold seep carbonates in the Crotone Basin (South Italy)

Mario Borrelli1, Bruno Francesco Umbro1, Ulrich Heimhofer2, Pierluigi Santagati1, Emilia Le Pera1 & Edoardo Perri1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 2-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.01

Geochemical proxies of sea surface temperature from MIS 5e marine fossils in the Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy)

Pierluigi Santagati1, Maria Pia Bernasconi1, Mario Borrelli1 & Edoardo Perri1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 9-15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.02

Fossil fauna in MIS 5e deposits of Mar Piccolo basin (Taranto, Southern Italy) suggests new palaeoclimatic constraints

Pierluigi Santagati1, Maria Pia Bernasconi1, Mario Borrelli1 & Edoardo Perri1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 16-20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.03

Turbidite channel-levée transitions: insights from the Tachrift system (Complex 6, Taza-Guercif Basin, NE Morocco)

Chiara Zuffetti1, Fabrizio Felletti1 & Mattia Marini1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 21-27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.04

The Early Cretaceous C-isotope record of shallow-marine carbonates: a transect across southern Alps, Apennines and Dinarides

Sabrina Amodio1, Filippo Barattolo2 & Mariano Parente2

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 28-34
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.05

Messinian resedimented gypsum (branching-like facies) from the Catanzaro Basin (Calabria, Southern Italy): petrographic and geochemical evidence for paleoenvironmental reconstruction

Mara Cipriani1, Rocco Dominici1, Alessandra Costanzo2, Giovanni Vespasiano1, Carmine Apollaro1, Domenico Miriello1, Giuseppe Cianflone1, Francesco Perri1, Massimo D’Antonio3, Giuseppe Maruca1 & Adriano Guido1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 35-39
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.06

Diagenesis and petrophysics of regional sandstone suites in Southern Apennines Foreland Basin, Italy

Massimo Civitelli1, Mario Borrelli1, Sara Criniti1, Domenico C.G. Ravidà2 & Ettore Falsetta1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 40-48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.07

Biosedimentary and palaeoecological characterization of Norian bioconstructions (Western Tethys, North Calabria)

Mario Borrelli1, Elena Manzo2, Pierluigi Santagati1 & Edoardo Perri1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 49-55
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.08

Basic data visualization in vintage seismic profiles: indications for the interpretation of the ViDEPI database (offshore Puglia, southern Italy)

Marianna Cicala1, Domenico Chiarella2, Francesco De Giosa3 & Vincenzo Festa1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 56-63
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.09
open access

Sandstone petrology of the Crotone Basin, Calabria (Italy) from well cores

Sara Criniti1, Mario Borrelli1,2, Ettore Falsetta1, Massimo Civitelli1, Elena Pugliese2 & Nicodemo Arcuri2

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 64-70
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.10

Geochemistry of mudrocks from the Calcare di Base Formation (Catanzaro Basin, Calabria): preliminary data

Francesco Perri1, Rocco Dominici1, Adriano Guido1, Mara Cipriani1 & Giuseppe Cianflone1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 71-74
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.11

The role of non-skeletal carbonate component in Mediterranean Coralligenous: new insight from the CRESCIBLUREEF project

Mara Cipriani1, Daniela Basso2,3, Pietro Bazzicalupo2, Marco Bertolino4, Valentina Alice Bracchi2,3, Fabio Bruno5, Gabriele Costa2,4, Rocco Dominici1, Alessandro Gallo5, Maurizio Muzzupappa5, Antonietta Rosso3,6, Francesco Perri1, Rossana Sanfilippo3,6, Francesco Sciuto3,6 & Adriano Guido1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 75-79
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.12

The Tachrift Project: sedimentary architecture of turbidite channel- levée deposits (Tachrift Turbidite System, Taza-Guercif Basin, Tortonian, NE Morocco)

Fabrizio Felletti1, George Pantopoulos1, Chiara Zuffetti1, Simone Reguzzi1, Daniele Invernizzi1, Niccolò Bellin1, Mattia Marini1, Imad El Kati2, Edoardo Savi1, Hassan Tabyaoui2 & Adam McArthur3

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 80-88
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.13

Granulometric calibration of the Erosion Potential Method (EPM) model: estimation of sediment production that affects a coastal area

Mariano Tenuta3,4, Rocco Dominici1, Paola Donato1, Gianpietro Imbrogno2, Stefania Lirer3 & Rosanna De Rosa1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 89-96
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.14

Deciphering the diagenetic evolution of the lower Carnian succession in the Gorno and Pian Resinelli sulphide mining districts (Southalpine Domain, N Italy)

Luca Summino1, Michele Giorno2, Luca Barale3, Carlo Bertok1 & Luca Martire1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 97-104
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.15

The coralligenous in the present-day system from the Salento coast (southern Adriatic Sea)

Alessia de Luca1, Stefania Lisco1, Pasquale Acquafredda1, Guadalupe Anhai Gimenez2 & Massimo Moretti1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 105-111
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.16

The Bolognano Fm in the south-eastern sectors of Majella and correlation with the north-western domain

Marco Brandano1,2, Irene Cornacchia3, Letizia Di Bella1 & Diego Marianelli1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 112-118
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.18

Detrital modes of buried Permian sandstones of the Puglia 1 well (Puglia Region, Southern Italy)

Sara Criniti1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 119-124
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.19

The EPM model as a tool for analyzing the impact of dams on sediment production

Gianpietro Imbrogno2, Mariano Tenuta3,4, Rocco Dominici1, Paola Donato1, Stefania Lirer3 & Rosanna De Rosa1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 125-130
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.21

3D geological model to assess the fate of contaminant transport in groundwater: the case study of Maruzzella Landfill (Caserta, Italy)

Daniela Ruberti1, Carla Buffardi1 & Marco Vigliotti1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 131-138
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.22
open access

The role of the geological model in the analysis of land subsidence: a key lecture from the Volturno River alluvial plain (southern Italy)

Carla Buffardi1, Marco Vigliotti1 & Daniela Ruberti1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 139-144
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.23
open access

The Miocene deposits of the Cirò Basin in the evolution of the peri-Ionian region, eastern Calabria

Nicodemo Arcuri1, Francesco Muto1, Domenico Chiarella2 & Salvatore Critelli1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 145-151
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.24

Geotourism around Poggiorsini: unexpected geological elements for a sustainable tourism in internal areas of Murge (Puglia, southern Italy)

Elio Lippolis1, Luisa Sabato1, Luigi Spalluto1 & Marcello Tropeano1

Volume: 59/2023
Pages: 152-158
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.25
open access

Palaeoclimatic control on the sedimentary architecture of an early Palaeozoic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp from the Zagros Basin (SW Iran)

Andrea Sorci1, Simonetta Cirilli1, Amalia Spina1, Giacomo Rettori2, Mansour Ghorbani3-4 & Roberto Rettori1

Volume: 58/2022
Pages: 42-47
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2022.16