Special Issue - PhD Day - SGI-SIMP 2022

Matteo Berti, Giulia Innamorati, Alessandro Petroccia, Andrea Maffeis, Alberto Corno & Davide Vianello

Background contaminants values in groundwater: methodological analysis in the case study of Turin plain (NW Italy)

Daniele Cocca1, Luis Miguel Santillan Quiroga1 & Domenico Antonio De Luca1

Volume: 61/2023
Pages: 2-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.40
open access

The Alpine metamorphic evolution of the Banchetta-Rognosa and Albergian units (upper Chisone valley, Western Alps)

Alberto Corno1

Volume: 61/2023
Pages: 10-16
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.41
open access

Vein intersection zones and host rock composition as controlling factors in polymetallic ore shoots genesis: insights from the Southern Arburèse five-element (Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag) vein system (SW Sardinia)

Ignazio Scano1

Volume: 61/2023
Pages: 17-26
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.42
open access

Inhomogeneous Beam Brightness Intensity Converter (IBBIC) as support software for cathodoluminescence microscopy studies and images pre-processing

Francesco Volpintesta1 & Giovanni Volpintesta2

Volume: 61/2023
Pages: 27-35
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.43
open access

Quantitative combined multiscale structural and minero-chemical analysis to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of cordierite- migmatite gneiss from the Valpelline Unit (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Italian Alps, Valle d’Aosta)

Fabiola Caso1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 2-10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.20
open access

Valorisation of extractive sites through a didactic and touristic network: the case study of Piedmont

Arianna Paschetto1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 11-15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.26
open access

Alpine structural evolution of the Internal Piedmont Zone in the Upper Viù Valley (Lanzo Valleys Ophiolite, Western Alps)

Marcello De Togni1, Marco Gattiglio1, Gianni Balestro1 & Matthieu Roà1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 16-23
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.27
open access

Spatial variation of pure and simple shear across transpressive shear zones: flow kinematics map of the Posada-Asinara shear zone (NE Sardinia, Italy)

Alessandro Petroccia1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 24-36
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.28
open access

Approaches for the sustainable management of the Apulian coastal areas: the potential of a geoportal

Mariano Tenuta1,2, Rocco Dominici3, Paola Donato3, Gianpietro Imbrogno4, Stefania Lirer1 & Rosanna De Rosa3

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 37-50
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.29
open access

Climate change remarks in a glacial catchment within Southern Rhaetian Alps: the Fumo Valley case study (Adamello Group, Northern Italy)

Manuel La Licata1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 51-71
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.32
open access

Defining the degree of fracturing in fault zones: implications in the study of landslide susceptibility

Davide Vianello1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 72-77
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.33
open access

A simple method to assess flood hazard at riverbed cross-sections applied to a site in the Italian Central Alps

Battista Taboni1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 78-85
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.34
open access

Estimation of water supply and demand, using meteorological parameters from 1990 to 2020, in the micro-basin of the Chibunga river - Ecuador

Luis Miguel Santillan Quiroga1,2, Alejandro Gabriel Cepeda Moscoso2 & Amalia Isabel Escudero Villa2

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 86-97
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.35
open access

Modelling SiO2 solubility over wide P-T conditions: advances and open problems

Andrea Maffeis1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 98-111
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.36
open access

Petrographic study of pietra ollare mills from Garda Civic Museum in Ivrea (To)

Elena Storta1

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 112-124
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2023.38
open access