Special Issue - ROL meet PhD

Matteo Berti & Giulia Innamorati

Multi-analytical approach for an archaeometric study on orichalcum coins

Melania Di Fazio1

Volume: 56/2022
Pages: 2-10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2022.01
open access

Historical seismic catalogue updates and site effects considerations for southern Piedmont (Northwest Italy)

Mauro Bonasera (1), Matteo Redana (2) & Giandomenico Fubelli (1)

Volume: 55/2021
Pages: 2-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.09
open access

UAV-UGV imagery for disaster scenario mapping: aerial-terrestrial data fusion and comparison

Ettore Potente (1), Cosimo Cagnazzo (1), Andreas Vött (2), Alessandro Deodati (3) & Giuseppe Mastronuzzi (1)

Volume: 55/2021
Pages: 10-19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.10
open access

Remote sensing applications for the assessment of the geomorphic response of fluvial systems to the Holocene Climate Changes

Giulia Iacobucci

Volume: 55/2021
Pages: 20-28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.11
open access

UAV/UGV System for meso-macro pollutants identification in the beach environment

Cosimo Cagnazzo (1), Ettore Potente (1), Hervé Regnauld (2), Sabino Rosato (3) & Giuseppe Mastronuzzi (1)

Volume: 55/2021
Pages: 29-35
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.12
open access

The East Variscan Shear Zone: a structural and geochronological review for improving paleogeographic reconstruction of the southern Variscides

Matteo Simonetti (1)

Volume: 55/2021
Pages: 36-52
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.13
open access

Sacred and secular aspects of Phoenicians' life at Motya (Sicily, Italy) inferred by multidisciplinary archaeobotanical analyses

Claudia Moricca (1,2)

Volume: 54/2021
Pages: 2-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.04
open access

Untangling the complex kinematic and geochronological history of a crustal-scale shear zone: an example from the Main Central Thrust (Garhwal Himalaya, NW India)

Chiara Montemagni

Volume: 54/2021
Pages: 9-16
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.05
open access

A multi-temporal mapping approach for improving the temporal and spatial characterization of landslide activity in clay-rich terrain

Sharon Pittau (1), Marco Pizziolo (2), Mauro Rossi (3) & Francesco Brardinoni (1)

Volume: 54/2021
Pages: 17-31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.06
open access

Unravelling the evolution of regional-scale shear zones with the aid of microstructures and textural analysis: an example from the central Himalaya

Laura Nania

Volume: 54/2021
Pages: 32-40
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.07
open access

Advanced analysis and integration of remote sensing and in situ data for flood monitoring

Marina Zingaro

Volume: 54/2021
Pages: 41-47
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3301/ROL.2021.08
open access