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Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. August 2012

The geothermal area of Venosa (Southern Italy): preliminary results of a multi-disciplinary analysis

Volume 21/2012

Angela Vita Petrullo (*), Giacomo Prosser (*), Fabrizio Agosta (*), Enzo Rizzo (°), Domenico Chiarella (°°) & Giuseppe Tamburriello (*)

Pages: 835-836
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. October 2012

Compaction localization in the porous carbonates of Bolognano Formation (Majella Mountain, Italy)

Volume 22/2012

Antonino Cilona (*,**), Daniel Roy Faulkner (***), Patrick Baud (°), Andrea Rustichelli (**), Emanuele Tondi (**), Fabrizio Agosta (°°), Sergio Vinciguerra (°°°) & Fabio Arzilli (+,*)

Pages: 51-52
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. October 2012

The architecture and permeability structures of the faults crosscutting Cretaceous platform carbonates (Murge Plateau, Southern Italy)

Volume 22/2012

Irina Korneva (*), Emanuele Tondi (*), Fabrizio Agosta (**), Andrea Rustichelli (*), Raffaele Di Cuia (***), Raffaele Bitonte(***), Maurizio Giorgioni (°) & Vincenzo Spina (°°)

Pages: 115-117
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. October 2012

Nucleation of low angle normal faults within the carbonates of the Lagonegro succesion, (Southern Apennines, Italy)

Volume 22/2012

Rocco Novellino (*), Fabrizio Agosta (**), Enrico Tavarnelli (*), Giacomo Prosser(**) & Francesco Bucci (***)

Pages: 155-157
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. October 2012

Fault growth as a key control on the sedimentary architecture and depositional environments of extensional basins: the case study of the Tablate area (Granada Basin, Spain)

Volume 22/2012

Andrea Rustichelli (*), Fabrizio Agosta (**), Emanuele Tondi (*), Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar (***), Claudio Di Celma (*) & Vincenzo Spina (*,°)

Pages: 203-206